How Do You Know If Your Baby Has A Brain Tumor : Brain Development of a Six-Week-Old Baby | LIVESTRONG.COM / Problems speaking clearly, swallowing, or walking
How Do You Know If Your Baby Has A Brain Tumor : Brain Development of a Six-Week-Old Baby | LIVESTRONG.COM / Problems speaking clearly, swallowing, or walking . A brain tumor can cause symptoms by directly pressing on the surrounding parts of the brain that control certain body functions, or by causing a buildup of spinal fluid and pressure throughout the brain (a condition known as hydrocephalus). All of these symptoms can have other causes. Changes in memory or thinking The onset of symptoms also vary. In some children, seizures are the first symptom of a brain tumor. I promise they won't think you're silly or a hypochondriac! This is partly because pressure in the brain increases when you're lying down, and a tumor can make that worse. Brain tumor diagnosis in children The onset of symptoms also vary. Brain tumors can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (not cancerous). Ma...